Revealing how to use Akifan stand fans to prolong life

Akifan stand fan is a good quality electric fan product. However, no matter how good the product is, if you don’t know how to use it correctly, it will also make the life of the product significantly reduced. So how to prolong the life of Akifan fans?

Extend the life of your Akifan stand by placing the fan in a flat location
Extend the life of your Akifan stand by placing the fan in a flat location

1.Place the Akifan stand fan in a flat position

This is probably something everyone needs to keep in mind when using any electric fan product in general and Akifan stand fan in particular. Placing the fan in an uneven position will cause the fan to not work properly. When the propeller rotates, vibration will occur, the wind speed generated is not as strong as at the beginning.

The most obvious expression you can see in box fan products. With these fans, if you just tilt it slightly, the fan will stop working. And this will greatly affect the life of the product. So make sure that the place where you put the fan is always flat, this will help prolong the life of the product.

The Akifan fan should only be operated at low and medium wind

2.Use Akifan stand fan at low and medium wind

Most of us always use the Akifan stand fan with the highest capacity. Especially when coming back from going outside, always turn on the fan at the strongest wind level. So the fan must operate at maximum capacity. If this happens regularly and continuously, it will not be good for the product.

When the fan operates at the highest level of wind, it means that the fan must operate at maximum capacity. This will cause the fan motor to overheat. Therefore, the life of the fan will quickly decrease. It is recommended that you use the fan at a moderate and light wind level. When it’s too hot, you can use it at the highest level of wind, but after the body has cooled, you should reduce the wind speed to ensure that the motor does not overheat, the life of the fan is also extended.

Turn off the fan and unplug the cord from the power source when the fan is not in use
Turn off the fan and unplug the cord from the power source when the fan is not in use

3. Turn off the fan, unplug the cord from the outlet when the fan is not available

Some people did not notice turning off the fan after use. Sometimes it’s because you forget, sometimes it becomes a habit because there is always someone behind to turn it off. Forgetting to turn off the fan not only costs you an extra amount of money each month. This also shortens the life of the fan.

Fans are like humans, when working, they must also have time to rest. If it has to work continuously, any machine will quickly break down. So it is necessary to turn off the fan after use. Besides, it’s best to unplug the plug from the outlet to ensure the safety of the fan in the unfortunate event that your home’s electrical line is short-circuited, but the fan is still in contact with the electrical outlet, the possibility of fire or damage is high. very high.

4. Regularly clean the fan

Dirt is also one of the reasons why Akifan stand fans quickly fail and need maintenance or replacement. Although your house feels extremely clean, it is only when you look at the stand fan you are using that you know that the air is not as clean as you think.

Clean the Akifan fan regularly to prolong the life of the fan
Clean the Akifan fan regularly to prolong the life of the fan

After a period of use, all kinds of dirt will stick to the body, wings, cage and sometimes even the fan’s motor. Therefore, you need to clean and clean the fan regularly to remove all kinds of dirt from the fan. If the fan is always clean, the fan will work better, the fan’s motor will not be blocked, and will operate more smoothly, so it will not get hot. Therefore, your fan will have a longer life.

Not only that, regular cleaning of Akifan stand fans also helps you to protect your health and the whole family. When dirt is attached to the fan and you press the button to start the fan, dust will fly out from the wings and fan cage towards the user. This leads to respiratory diseases. So make sure to clean your fan regularly.

Akifan stand fan model using remote control

Cleaning the Akifan stand fan is not too difficult, please follow these specific steps:

Step 1: Unplug from the power source to ensure safety during cleaning.
Step 2: Remove the front cage from the fan.
Step 3: Remove the propeller from the shaft by turning the knob in the center of the blade clockwise.
Step 4: Remove the rear fan cage by twisting the cage retaining pin.
Step 5: Use a soft damp cloth to wipe off dust on the blades, fan feathers and fan parts. For blades and fan cage you can wash with water if it is too dirty. Then use a dry towel to dry and clean again.
Step 6: Install the fan components in their original positions and plug the plug into the socket to turn the fan back on.

Contact Tran Phat when you want to own Akifan products at the best price
Contact Tran Phat when you want to own Akifan products at the best price

You want your Akifan stand fan to last as long as possible and last as long as possible. Above are the tips to keep the fan working well that we want to share with you. Contact Tran Phat when you want to buy Akifan products at the best price




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