TRAN PHAT MOP KIT is one of the potential consumer products of TRAN PHAT COMPANY. The product gets its name from the company's own brand. It is a Vietnamese branded product that aims at consumers in Vietnam.
TRAN PHAT MOP KIT is now widely sold in the national market. With the spirit that Vietnamese people use Vietnamese goods, Tran Phat's cleaning products at particular and other consumer goods, in general, have all received enthusiastic support from consumers.
THE TRAN PHAT MOP KIT gives users a lot of conveniences. The traditional mop makes you have to work hard when using the force of your hand to spin the broom. The Tran Phat mop kit is a product with outstanding advantages to overcome this. Everything you need to use very gentle force from your hands to push the reed down on the spindle. That will help the water in the sponge dry quickly. The mop of the cleaning set is designed to rotate 360 degrees and has a long, short pitch on the broom stem. That makes it easy to thread the reed into every corner of the house.
The color of TRAN PHAT MOP KIT is also very diverse and rich, so you can easily choose. In addition, the product is also made from reputable plastic material, ensuring high durability.
TRAN PHAT MOP KIT also has a good warranty policy to help consumers choose peace of mind.