Criteria for choosing to buy a good quality slide fan

Slide fan is one of the most popular choice products. This type of fan has a modern design with a height suitable for the needs of users. However, to be able to choose a good quality fan product, it is necessary to rely on the following criteria.

1.Criteria for choosing to buy quality fans

It is not too difficult for us to buy one or more slide fans. Because every summer comes, any electronics store sells this product. But how to buy a good product, buyers need to rely on the following evaluation criteria:

Akifan L42 . slide fan
Akifan L42 . slide fan


a.Choose a reputable seller

Choosing a reputable sales unit is the first thing that you need to keep in mind when you want to buy the best electric fan. Because in such a unit, they always bring customers good quality products. They will not lose the reputation they have built up for a little profit.

When buying products at such a unit, they will certainly provide a product warranty for users. The compensation regime at a reputable sales unit will also be better, the service quality is also more perfect.

b.Choose based on slide fan features

Each different fan will have different functions. Therefore, based on the needs and economic conditions, the buyer makes an appropriate choice. There are fans equipped with 3 wind speeds, some have only 2 wind speeds, some use remote control, some do not.

In general, slide fan has many features, but choose the product that best suits your needs to avoid wasting money. Because when buying a fan with many functions, the price will be more expensive, but if you do not use all the functions, it is considered a waste.

Akifan L45 . slide fan
Akifan L45 . slide fan

c.Slide fan runs smoothly with no noise

To know if a slide fan runs smoothly or not, whether it makes noise during operation, you can ask the salesperson to test the fan at the store. If the fan runs, if it creates a cool, even wind and does not make any sound or noise, it is a good product to buy.

d.Choose the right price

The price of the product is one of the issues that you need to consider when choosing to buy a fan. First of all, you need to base on your ability to pay to choose the right product. Next, you should also refer to the price of many electric fan products of many different brands that make comparisons.

Yanfan L828 .slide fan
Yanfan L828 .slide fan

Choose the product with the most suitable price, so don’t be cheap but buy low-quality fans. Also do not think that any product with the higher the price, the better the quality. Because sometimes the business unit provides a bad product.

2.Tran Phat has a reputable fan selling address

Tran Phat’s full name is Tran Phat Production – Trading – Service One Member Co., Ltd. This is a company specializing in manufacturing the most prestigious electric fan on the market today. The company is famous for the two best-selling electric fan brands today, Yanfan and Akifan. The products manufactured and supplied by the company in the market are always of the best quality.

This fan manufacturing company has been in operation since October 2004, up to now, it has been in business for nearly 18 years in the field of household electric fans and industrial electric fans. In 2008, the company also expanded its business by investing in more modern equipment, machinery and facilities to improve the quality of products and services.

Yanfan L829 .slide fan
Yanfan L829 .slide fan

In the same year, Tran Phat built a large-scale factory to apply ISO 9001: 2008 quality control standards into production. That is the reason why the products that the company distributes in the market are of very good quality.

Currently, Tran Phat’s agent system is present in many places across the country. In Ho Chi Minh City, the number of shops selling Tran Phat electric fan is uncountable because it is present all over the city. Therefore, it is not too difficult for customers to access Tran Phat’s products.

In addition, the slide fan products that the company provides on the market have extremely favorable prices. Ensure customers can not buy a similar quality electric fan product for less.

Yanfan LTS16" slide fan
Yanfan LTS16″ slide fan

Above is what we want to share about how to choose a good quality slide fan product. Want to have a fan you want this summer? Don’t forget the selection criteria above. It is best to go to the store addresses under the management of Tran Phat company to buy. See other products of the company here:




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