Mistakes in How to Use a Slide Fan You Sick

The slide fan are an indispensable device in every family on hot days. However, the reality is that many people still make mistakes in the use of fans, leading to bad consequences for the health of family members. So what are these mistakes, let’s find out together with Tran Phat in the article below.


Slide Fan an indispensable device in the family in the summer

Slide Fan an indispensable device in the family in the summer

Mistakes in using a slide fan make you easy to get sick in the hot summer

Tran Phat would like to suggest some habits in the use of slide fans that make many people susceptible to illness this summer.


1. Let the slide fan accidentally blow directly on the person

If you let the wind blow directly with a close distance, the high speed will cause the sweat to evaporate quickly, causing the outside temperature of the skin to drop significantly. Parts without wind will cause sweat to evaporate slowly, blood vessels to dilate, and temperature to be high. This leads to an imbalance in the body’s blood circulation that makes you more susceptible to colds and flu. If you let the fan blow directly on your head or face, you will experience dizziness, stress, and headaches. So while using an electric fan, you should let the fan rotate in all directions to avoid catching a cold.


2. Use a slide fan while your body is sweating a lot

This is the mistake that many people are making, you should immediately quit the habit when walking from outside in the hot sun and entering the house. Or, after playing sports and sweating a lot, immediately turn on the fan and rush it directly to the body to cool down the heat. Because, the wind from the fan will cause the sweat secretion process to stop, blood vessels suddenly constricting extremely dangerously. In this case, take a towel to wipe your sweat, then turn on the fan with a long distance to cool down slowly.


Tốc độ quạt lỡ quá cao
Do not let the fan hit you directly


3. Fan speed is too high

When the ambient temperature is close to the body temperature, the wind blowing out from the fan is also high temperature wind. If the fan is turned on at the highest level, the skin surface temperature will drop, sweat cannot escape, causing the pores to close. At this time, your body will feel hotter, exhausted, tired and back pain. In the process of using an electric fan every day, you should pay attention to regularly cleaning the fan blade, fan cage, rotating shaft, … to help the device operate more efficiently. Surely a dusty fan will not be able to bring a cool breeze to the family, causing the use life to decrease quickly.


4. Using an electric fan for a long time

The function of an electric fan is to regulate the air in the room to help circulate air. If you use an electric fan and let it blow for a long time in one position, it will not be good for the body, it may even cause the motor to heat up, resulting in a motor burn. Therefore, every 4-5 hours, you should turn off and let the fan rest once for about 30 minutes to protect the health and durability of the device.

5. Install the slide fan in the wrong position
Technical staff at Tran Phat shared that placing the fan in the wrong position can make the cooling effect noticeable. With the missing fan, it is not recommended to place it in the windward position when it is hot, because the fan will blow hot air and make the room hotter. You should put the water basin in front so that the fan blows cool air to spread the whole room.


How to use the slide fan in the most effective and safest way


If the electric a slide fan is not used properly, it will directly affect the user but also cost money. Here are some experiences to help you use the fan to get the most out of it.

1. Select the appropriate operating mode

You should keep in mind that not every fan is set to the highest fan mode for the best cooling effect. When using a fan, it is important that you make sure the device is operating in the appropriate mode to meet cooling needs and limit power loss. You should use the electric fan in such a moderate mode to meet the cooling needs and limit the loss of power. A small tip for you is that you should turn on the fan in a moderate mode, the airflow is directed towards the door, window to increase air circulation in the room, not causing oppressive, hot.


2. Don’t let the slide fan get too close to you

Placing the slide fan too close will make it easier for cold air and bacteria to enter the body. Moreover, when directly exposed to cold air, your body is most likely to lose its heat balance. If you have just exercised vigorously, or went out in the hot sun, dry your body and let it recover before turning on the fan.


Do not let the fan hit you directly
Do not let the fan hit you directly

3. Clean and maintain the slide fan regularly

During use, in order for the electric fan to be durable and have high cooling efficiency, users should periodically check the inside of the fan. This helps you early detect cases such as leaking electricity, uncertain fan structure, minimizing risks to users.

The above are the shares to help you gain more knowledge and experience of using a slide fan for the family to be most effective and economical. If you need advice on electric fans, please contact Tran Phat for timely answers.



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